


  • Web Seminar
    • 2024/08/13 02:00(JST)- Dev Days of Summer 2024 Day 1 (Week 1)
      • Replay (1/1)
        • Writing an NT Service: A (Basic) Guide to ...
        • Empowering your apps with AWS
        • Introduction to FireDAC: Fundamentals of Data Access
    • 2024/08/14 03:00(JST)- Dev Days of Summer 2024 Day 2 (Week 1)
      • Replay (1/1)
        • Delphi WebMocks
        • Using Clang with Windows
        • Why you should leave Delphi 7, once and for all
        • FireDAC Secret Weapons
    • 2024/08/15 02:00(JST)- Dev Days of Summer 2024 Day 3 (Week 1)
      • Replay (1/1)
        • Empowering your apps with AWS (repeated)
        • Product demo and showcase of Delphi app - Font Creator
        • GenAI Apps in Delphi!
        • Program the Rainbow: Working with Colors
        • From VCL to WEB: a giant leap for software developers, a small step for Delphi developers
    • 2024/08/16 01:30(JST)- Dev Days of Summer 2024 Day 4 (Week 1)
      • Replay (1/1)
        • Sempare Template Engine
        • Mastering RTTI: From Basics to Advanced Techniques
        • Using SVG Images in Delphi
    • 2024/08/17 01:00(JST)- Dev Days of Summer 2024 Day 5 (Week 1)
      • Replay (1/1)
        • Firestore Cloud Database
        • Make games in Delphi (2024 edition)
        • Boosting Development in Delphi with GitHub Actions and ChatGPT!
        • Add logging to your application in 5 minutes
    • 2024/08/20 02:00(JST)- Dev Days of Summer 2024 Day 6 (Week 2)
      • Replay (1/1)
        • Simplifying Cloud with Delphi
        • Chat about the UK Dev group
    • 2024/08/21 01:00(JST)- Dev Days of Summer 2024 Day 7 (Week 2)
      • Replay (1/1)
        • Handling Exceptions in Delphi
        • Implementing “try - finally” code blocks in C++
    • 2024/08/22 01:00(JST)- Dev Days of Summer 2024 Day 8 (Week 2)
      • Replay (1/1)
        • Coding games using Castle Game Engine and Delphi
        • Advanced usage of jachLog: Performance, filtering, multithreading support and more
        • Resource allocation is initialization for Delphi (RAII) !!
    • 2024/08/23 02:00(JST)- Dev Days of Summer 2024 Day 9 (Week 2)
      • Replay (1/1)
        • A Simpler Approach to Dynamic Web Applications
        • A smart backpack controlled from a mobile application with FGX Native
        • 5 Essential Steps to Modernize Your Analytics Application
        • EasyDBMigrator
        • Maximising Customer Value with Embedded Analytics and Yellowfin
    • 2024/08/24 02:00(JST)- Dev Days of Summer 2024 Day 10 (Week 2)
      • Replay (1/1)
        • About UltraEdit
        • Functional programming
        • Coroutines. What the Heck Are They?
        • OpenAPIWizard
        • Delphi Tips and Tricks – A Personal Selection
    • 2024/08/27 17:00-17:45(JST) 「Community Editionを使おう!」 - エンバカデロ・デベロッパーTV(2024年8月27日)
      • Replay (1/1)
  • Live Seminar
  • Community Event