
Delphi Live! 2009の動画

Delphi.orgに"What is Cooking in the Delphi Labs"セッションの動画が順次アップロードされていくようです。
Delphi Live! 2009 - What is Cooking in the Delphi Labs - Part 1 - The Podcast at Delphi.org
Delphi Live! 2009 - What is Cooking in the Delphi Labs - Part 2 - The Podcast at Delphi.org
Delphi Live! 2009 - What is Cooking in the Delphi Labs - Part 3 - The Podcast at Delphi.org
Delphi Live! 2009 - What is Cooking in the Delphi Labs - Part 4 - The Podcast at Delphi.org
Delphi Live! 2009 - What is Cooking in the Delphi Labs - Part 5 - The Podcast at Delphi.org
Delphi Live! 2009 - What is Cooking in the Delphi Labs - Part 6 - The Podcast at Delphi.org
Delphi Live! 2009 - What’s Cooking in the Delphi Labs - Part 7 - The Podcast at Delphi.org

Fun Side of Delphi with Marco Cantu at Delphi Live 2009! - The Podcast at Delphi.org

YouTube - Delphi Live! 2009 - What is Cooking in the Delphi Labs - Part 1
YouTube - Delphi Live! 2009 - What is Cooking in the Delphi Labs - Part 4
YouTube - Delphi Live! 2009 - What is Cooking in the Delphi Labs - Part 5
YouTube - Delphi Live! 2009 - What is Cooking in the Delphi Labs - Part 6
YouTube - Delphi Live! 2009 - What is Cooking in the Delphi Labs - Part 7

Marco Cantuさんによれば、この"What is Cooking in the Delphi Labs"セッションではNick HodgesさんのIDEインサイト機能やコードフォーマッタ、Allen BauerさんのDirect2DサポートやRTTI拡張によるリフレクション機能、Carlさん(誰?)のDelphi for MacによるMacOS上のコンソールアプリケーション、Anders OhlssonさんのDelphiコードのANSI->Unicode変換ツール、David IさんのVS2010上のDelphi Prismでの.NET 4.0やパラレルエクステンションのサポートなどがデモされたようです。

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